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  • Costs to use the platform

    How much do we charge Customers to use the platform?

    HorecaMarket.Global is free to us, for Customers for all standard order services.

    Customers pay a surcharge to use payment services, such as Visa, MasterCard, Amex and ZipTrade+ - all of which cost the same - set at a blended 1.95% plus GST

    • Does it cost anything to access the platform?

      HoReCaMarket.Global is a Cooperative model, accordingly we operate on the premise that if we fix your problems, manage your challenges, and help you make more purchases more easily, at better market prices, then we all make more money.

      There is NO addational COST to use HoReCaMarket.Global for Customers.

      So, in short, the only thing we ask you to pay for outside of the standard offering is:

      -      Pro Analytics

      We feel, this is reasonable given our solution will still be at 50% cost of the nearest competitor, therefore saving you 50% of your current costs.

      This is our genuine intent. We always welcome your feedback if you feel this is not your experience on our platform.